
CNETの記事、「Vista」が抱えるアキレス腱--シマンテック、セキュリティ問題を指摘に書かれているように、シマンテックによりWindows Vistaのネットワークに関する脆弱性が報告されている。CNETの記事では報告書がリンクされていないようだが、Windows Vista Network Attack Surface Analysis: A Broad Overviewがそれだ。


Symantec Paper Validates Trustworthy Computing?

Many of the vulnerabilities identified in the earliest build reviewed were gone by the latest build. Despite Slashdot’s ominous title (and totally misleading blurb), I will say that this is a good story for Microsoft, not a bad one.


This is the kind of trend you want to see from your vendors. I say this not just because of trending, but this is also BETA software, which isn’t even scheduled to ship for 7 months. It demonstrates that they are doing active security reviews during their development lifecycle, and catching vulnerabilities before it ends up in consumer’s hands.


脆弱性がベータ2ではわずか2つに減少していることがわかるであろう。さらにこの2つもgratuitous arpとsequential IP IDsだ。これらについて、筆者は"I could easily make an argument that these aren’t vulnerabilities at all, but even if I lost, I would win the ‘these are low risk vulnerabilities’ argument."(脆弱性とさえいえないかもしれない)としている。
